Herbal Medicus
Ushba Maghrabi | Mexican Sarsaparilla | عشبہ
Ushba Maghrabi | Mexican Sarsaparilla | عشبہ
English Name : Mexican Sarsaparilla
Hindi Name : Ushva, Ushba
Latin name : Smilax medica Sch.
Persian Name : Ushba
Sanskrit Name : Vanamadhusnahi
Urdu Name : Ushba Maghrabi
Used as an alterative in syphilis, scrofula, etc. It is a blood purifier and also has diaphoretic, diuretic, pectoral and tonic properties. it is also used in the treatment of gonorrhoea and other skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and general itchiness. It also helps to treat rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It also purifies the urinogenital tract, dispelling all infection and inflammation.
It has a tonic and specifically testosterogenic action on the body leading to increased muscle bulk and it has a potential use for erectile dysfunction. It also has a progesterogenic action, making it beneficial in premenstrual problems and menopausal conditions such as debility and depression.
Recommended Dosage: 5 to 7 g powder of root.
Contraindication: According to the German Commission E monograph, excessive use of Sarsaparilla (many times the recommended dosage) may cause stomach irritation and temporary kidney irritation. As it is known to increase the absorption of digitalis and hasten the elimination of other medications, thus changing their effective doses, sarsaparilla should not be taken by anyone on prescription medications.