Herbal Medicus
Sarphoka | Wild Indigo | سرپھوکہ
Sarphoka | Wild Indigo | سرپھوکہ
Arabic Name : Sarboka
English Name : Purple Tephrosia, Wild Indigo
Hindi Name : Sarphenka, Sarphankha
Latin name : Tephrosia purpurea Pers.
Persian Name : Sufar
Punjabi Name : Jhojru
Sanskrit Name : Puleehashtree, Sarapunkha, Sharpunkha, Neelabralakrati
Urdu Name : Sarphoka
The root is acrid, alterative, anthelmintic, antipyretic, astringent, bitter, depurative, digestive, diuretic and laxative. This plant alone, or in combination with other agents, has been reputed as a very efficient remedy in syphilis, boils, pimples, abscesses especially carbuncles on the back, as tonic and laxative, and as purifier of blood.
Sarphoka (Wild Indigo) is a self-generating, perennial flowering plant, grows in the tropical climate, found in China, Malay Peninsula, Hawaii, India, and Sri Lanka. Sarphoka benefits are strengthen the immunity system and upper respiratory infections such as asthma, bronchitis, and wheezes. Sarphoka benefits for the treatment of acne and other skin conditions. Symptoms like aphthous ulcers can be treated with the use of Wild Indigo as well. Wild Indigo uses are helps in strengthen the lymphatic system and eliminates malfunctioning problems. Other therapeutic uses of Sarphoka include muscle cramps and typhoid.
There are several Wild Indigo uses in Unani Medicinal System for years for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation, kidney disease, infections, flatulence, bloating, and gastroenteritis.
Recommended Dosage: 3 to 5 g powder of dried root.
Contraindication: This herb is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation.