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Herbal Medicus

Gilo Khushk | Gulancha Tinospora | گلو خشک

Gilo Khushk | Gulancha Tinospora | گلو خشک

Regular price Rs.50.00 PKR
Regular price Sale price Rs.50.00 PKR
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Arabic Name : Gilo

English Name : Moon Creeper, Heart-Leaved Moonseed, Indian Quinine

Hindi Name : Giloe, Gulancha, Giloy

Latin name : Tinospora cordifolia Miers

Persian Name : Gulbel

Punjabi Name : Gilo

Sanskrit Name : Guduchi, Madhparni, Amrita, Soma-valli

Urdu Name : Gilo

The bitter principles present in the herb show alterative, antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antiperiodic, antipyretic, antiulcer, blood purifier, diuretic, febrifuge, hepatoprotective, immunostimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge properties. This herb relaxes the intestinal and uterine muscles. It is proved effective in prevention of fibrosis and in stimulating regeneration in hepatic tissues. Its strength as a febrifuge in malaria is seen in the common name "Indian Quinine." It is useful in enlarged spleen.

It is used in fever, dyspepsia, general debility and urinary disorders. It is also used in treatment of rheumatism. The active principles of Tinospora cordifolia Syringin (TC-4) and cordiol (TC-7) were found to possess anticomplementary and immunomodulatory activities in immune-suppression of obstructive jaundice, hepatic fibrosis, peritonitis and sepsis. It is a blood purifier and may be useful in AIDS and other immune diseases also. It is also being proposed for cancer patients before and after chemotherapy. The plant is also used to improve the immune system and the body resistance against infections.

Recommended Dosage: 5 to 10 g powder of stem; 500 mg to 2 g of extract.

Contraindication: This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.

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